Starting with nigeria most popular food

There are many foods which are polar In Nigeria such foods are

1. Soups(A kind of Sauce used in eating Fufu)
2. Fufu: These are food Prepared from different starchy foods which can be eaten together with soups. These are the 2 basic foods in Nigeria other foods are Rice,Stew,Snacks,Drinks and so many more.

            These are the Recipe.
1. Soup recipe: These are recipe of preparation of various soups Click here to know more.

2. Fufu recipe: Click here to learn how to make various types of Fufu.

3. Rice Recipe: Click here to learn how to cook various type of rice like jellof rice,fried rice and so many.

4. Stew: Stew are just similar with soup but has big differences. Click here to know how it pepared.

5. Drink: over here we have many kind of drinks like the zobo which is made from hibiscus flowers and so many to know more Click here.

Snacks: we do have many types of snack like meat pie,Fish tool puff-puff,egg roll and many more Click here to know more and how it is pepared. So that all so pls endeavor to learn how to make things by just checking all the recipe. Thank you
